- TIME Sites as principal front-end engineer, I lead the team in building products and features, from the design studio to the analytics platform
- React.js updated
to make it possible to render React components into an iframe and worked with the core React team to land those changes upstream
- technical co-founder of a product that uses generative AI to turbocharge the process of building and designing a website
- Superflare adapted Superflare, a full-stack toolkit for the Cloudflare Developer Platform, to work with the latest versions of Remix and Wrangler (the Cloudflare CLI)
- Immutable.js fixed bugs and triaged issues in Immutable.js (the canonical JS library for efficient immutable collections) to achieve a stable 4.0 release
- Cinémathèque Québécoise lead developer and architect of a Solr-powered search application and publication website using the web application framework FuelPHP
NPM Modules & CMS Extensions
- @acusti/dropdown a React component for dropdowns with best-in-class UX (based on macOS native menus) and best-in-class frictionless DX
- @acusti/date-picker a React component for rendering a date picker with support for ranges and a two-up month calendar view
- react-higher-event a declarative way to subscribe to DOM events from outside of your component and even from across iframes in a React app
- affixing-header turns a DOM element into a header that scrolls away as a user navigates down a page but reveals itself naturally when a user scrolls upwards
- onscrolling a better, smoother, more performant
event interface using requestAnimationFrame
for performance and mobile compatibility
- audile a mobile-friendly audio player optimized for use with longer-form audio (see here for an example)